What is the Purpose of your work life

purpose work


The main aim of work is to earn money. Everyone will agree with this. However, a financial reason should not be the only one. There is so much more to your job than getting a paycheck. No matter what you do, your job exists for a reason and so does the reason why you are doing it.

At your job you should do more, you should expect more of yourself. Don’t be happy by just being mediocre, be more than that. Achieve to be great. Find reasons for why you are doing the job. Maybe you loved the idea of it. Or even if you took it for the money, there must be something in it that you must like or even love.

Behavioural scientist Dr. Steve Maraboli said, “You were put on this earth to achieve your greatest self, to live out your purpose, and to do it courageously.” This is exactly what the purpose of your work life is. To achieve the best that you can. To push yourself to the limits and never say never. Thus, it is not just about money but about developing yourself in multi-faceted ways.

So, how can you best achieve the purpose of your work life – to be the best version of you?

  • Focus on the task given at hand. Do not compromise and do not do work below the standards you have set for yourself.
  • Do not shirk responsibility. It is only by being responsible that you will learn to become an achiever and a leader otherwise you will always be the follower.
  • Do not be afraid. Take calculated risks. Without risks, you may as well have not lived. Nothing worthwhile has ever come out of doing safe work and avoiding risks. Go and put yourself out there.
  • Do not fear failure as it is one of the greatest teachers of life. Every successful person has failed and so will you, but you need to take it in your stride. Learn the lesson and move on.

These are just the basics. Surely, you will be able to come up with much more. Let your work life be another way of becoming the best of you and do not just focus on the monetary gains.



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