How To Make Google Love Your LinkedIn Profile


Optimizing your LinkedIn profile is essential if you want it to come at the top of Google searches. So, how can you make it get a good page rank on Google? Well, it isn’t all that hard and your profile just needs a few tweaks here and there. Let’s get started!

Privacy Settings – You need to make your profile public. Search engines like Google can’t find a private profile and neither can other LinkedIn users unless they’re your first connections. That is why make it public so that you are visible to all, Google and other people.

A Good URL – This makes a big difference. Instead of it being something random like com/in/io128346238, change it to appear as If your name isn’t already taken, then make it a close variation of it. Nothing too convoluted but. For example if ‘JohnSmith’ isn’t available, try ‘JSmith’, ‘SmithJohn’ and so on. Basically your name should be prominent.

Keyword Magic – Keywords are so essential for SEO. They are the magic ingredients. Go to the top ranked profiles of people from your field and job and check out all the keywords that they have added. Even Google related keywords. Sprinkle these liberally all over your profile. Places where you can do keyword stuffing are places like personal interests, summary, job title, career history and so on.

Headline – The default headline is the current job that you have entered. Make the title relevant and about what you do there exactly. So, you’re a manager, but what kind of manager? Mention the specifics but they shouldn’t be vague words but those that have search value. However, why stop at this? Add lots of keywords as well!

The Right Links – LinkedIn allows you to add 2 website links. Usually people add the links of their company, other social media profiles, blogs and so on. Now, instead of using the default settings regarding this, use keywords rich and search engine friendly words such as – ‘HR Company in Manhattan’ instead of ‘My Company’ or ‘Blog on IT Consultancy’ rather than ‘My Blog’.

With all these changes your visibility will certainly rocket. With your LinkedIn profile now optimized, your profile traffic will increase. Also, don’t forget these tips whenever you add information to your LinkedIn profile.


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